American Cake - Cake #35: Mary Lincoln's White Almond Cake

Monday, September 16, 2024

 Time Period: 1870 - 1899

In absolutely none of my American History education was I told that Mary Todd Lincoln was an avid baker. I suppose that fact doesn't have much to do with things like, oh say, the Civil War, but would have certainly made me more interested in her as a person. Evidently, the wealthy Todd family first had this almond cake at a catered event, and requested the recipe from the caterer. Mary proceeded to make it regularly, including while she and Abraham Lincoln were dating, as well as in the White House. Apparently, she made it so much that it became a symbol of the Lincoln family, and was found on important governmental event menus as late as the 1870s,

So, how was it? Pretty good! One serving suggestion mentioned that Mary Lincoln may have iced the cake and topped it with additional nuts or sugared fruit, but I opted to just give it a dusting of powdered sugar. I was expecting the almond flavor to pack a punch, but it was actually quite subtle. And unlike the other egg white cakes I've prepared, this one was better about holding its shape. It may not be as top tier a recipe as Lincoln was a president, but it was solidly enjoyable, and frankly, those are the types of cakes I've been preferring lately.